What's the sickest time in America? Between Halloween and New Year's Day. Why? Due to holidays and the mass marketing of processed foods, sugar consumption, and alcohol consumption, millions of people will get the 'flu' n other illnesses/diseases making the medical industry billions of dollars.
This week alone, millions of children will take 'over the counter' medicine, check into emergency rooms and not attend school due to the over consumption of 'sweets'. We are setting our children for a lifetime of sugar addiction which will lead to diseases (diabetes, nerve damage, heart, etc) and dental issues (root canals, fillings, cavities, etc). Read the book, Sugar Blues.
Corporations have done a masterful job tying in certain 'foods' with holidays. Halloween is tied with candy. Thanksgiving is tied to Turkey, processed foods, cakes, pies and alcohol. Christmas is tied to the same toxins as Thanksgiving and certain corporations (toys, games, clothes, shoes, etc.). And of course, New Years is tied to an increased consumption of alcohol.
Until we take more time to think about behaviors that we engage and make some fundamental changes, we will continue become sick and develop life threatening diseases. In fact, it's safe to say that our children will not grow old if they continue to follow our lifestyle (death style).
Outside of CoVid, Look at the rates of heart disease, cancer, high blood pressure, diabetes, liver disease, and strokes within our community. Now, if it's bad now and we are the examples from which our children are following, imagine what the rates will be they are 40 (if they are fortunate to live that long).
The sad fact is that more of us will bury our children, not from homicides, but because of 'chewicide'. We are literally eating ourselves to death and teaching our children to do the same.
The main cause of illness and death is what we consume.
Now, everything I state could be wrong, but you will not know until you do some research and critical thinking. But what if I am right? What are we prepared to do about prolonging our lives and our children's? Or are we just going to leave our health and bad habits in the hands of the 'Lord' (as if God help those who don't do anything to help themselves).
'Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food.'
Resources - 'Living Superfood Longevity' & 'Epidemic' by Keidi Awadu; Documentary - 'Sugar; The Bitter Truth' (University of California Television); Ted-Ed's 'How Sugar Affects the Brain' - Nicole Avena